Sunday, November 30, 2008

Audacity Of Terror

In the past two decades terrorists have blown up trains and buses, bombed crowded markets, hijacked planes and attacked places of worship. In every instance the outcome was similar - a flicker of anger followed by big claims of retribution for the guilty followed by NOTHING. The so-called 'Spirit of Mumbai' is sadly just a demonstration of callous indifference bordering on denial.

The pattern is similar - Pakistan "condemns" the terrorist attacks. The Government promises "swift" action against those who peddle death. Leaders from all corners of the planet spout platitudes about the world standing united against terror. As usual nothing happens.

India can and should lead the war against terrorism. In case of acts of terrorism there is no middle ground, no scope of being neutral, there cannot be any ambivalence; You are either with us against us. 'Enough is enough' happened many years ago.

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